rick simpson oil for dogs

Is Rick Simpson Oil Safe for Dogs?

Are you considering Rick Simpson Oil the next best medicine for your dog?

Well, think about it one more time.

Not because Rick Simpson Oil is something too dangerous.

But it’s all about making the right decision.

Look, there is a reason why humans and animals have different medications.

It’s no wonder that animals react to all compounds differently than us. The same goes for their reaction towards THC.

Your dog cannot bear a high amount of THC. Veterinarians say that a high dose of THC can cause your pet to suffer from Cannabis Poisoning.

However, you can feed CBD to your pet. It’s a much safer option because it contains lower THC levels.

But, can you give CBD to your pet regularly? Well, you will need to consult your pet’s veterinarian for this.

Remember, it is all about THC and your pet’s reaction to the substance. Our difference of reaction towards THC makes it a safe option for us and a dangerous thing for your pet. And in case of overdose, a potentially dangerous thing for all.

That being said, let’s move ahead and explore RSO’s impact on your pet and a safer option for your dog.

Introducing Rick Simpson Oil To Your Dog

Rick Simpson Oil’s efficiency against cancer has made it a popular option. In addition to cancer, the oil is also used to treat other severe medical conditions such as insomnia.

But, can it be an effective health measure for your dog?

Well, your dog should stay away from Rick Simpson Oil because of its high THC levels.

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is mainly responsible for all the intoxicating effects of Marijuana. Not only that, but it also has played the leading role in getting the oil banned.

Despite its effectiveness against patients with various medical diseases, the oil remains banned due to high THC levels in various states.

Science supports the idea that high amounts of Tetrahydrocannabinol pose substantial risks to individuals. But since it’s a developing field, not all medical experts stop their patients from consuming cannabinoid products.

But when it comes to your pet’s health, it is best to avoid feeding them Rick Simpson Oil.

Mainly, the reason for that lies in the lack of data at our disposal. When it comes to the effectiveness of a substance, almost all studies are conducted on rats. So as far as animal reaction to RSO is concerned, we know a lot more about rats rather than dogs.

So, we cannot make a properly informed decision unless researchers conduct proper studies on other animals’ (including dogs) reactions towards RSO consumption. Hence, it is best to refrain from feeding Rick Simpson Oil to your pet for now.

CBD Consumption & Your Pet

We need to understand that Cannabidiol is that it’s less risky for people and pets alike. That’s because it contains a minimal amount of THC.

That is why CBD companies register themselves and likely, claim to be all-natural.

Hence, it is safe for your dog to consume CBD instead of Rick Simpson Oil.

But what happens when you expose your dog to high levels of THC? Well, it may go through Cannabis poisoning.

Now, many people may not consider that as big of a threat. But veterinarians will be able to tell you that it’s a challenging condition to deal with.

Can I Feed CBD To My Dog Regularly?

As we discussed earlier, CBD is a safer option for your dog to consume rather than Rick Simpson Oil.

However, daily consumption is something that you should ask veterinarians. More preferably, from the one who is familiar with your pet.

The benefit of doing that is receiving genuine advice. Instead of hearing about public controversies and scientific findings, your pet’s veterinarian will be able to deliver befitting medical advice according to your pet’s health and its current medical condition.

Suggested Reading: Cannabis (Marijuana) Intoxication in Cats and Dogs

Winding Up…

Rick Simpson Oil has been on the high rise for a long time. Mainly, the credit goes to three factors: Effectiveness against certain harsh medical conditions, the lack of data and ongoing discoveries, and the ban on RSO across various states.

Despite doing an excellent job treating certain medical conditions in humans, it remains a risky option for pets. And if there is only one factor behind its fame, ban, and being a risky choice for your dog, it’s high levels of THC.

It’s like Rick Simpson Oil cannot be discussed without mentioning high THC levels.

As for now, all of us should refrain from feeding RSO to our dogs and other pets due to insufficient data. And since it’s a developing field, we will have to remain patient and stick to the conventional medical treatments.

Do you have a success story to share? Did you find your pet progression after feeding it some CBD? Be sure to let us know, and we will feature your story in our blog post!





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