Take CBD on Plane

Can CBD Oil Be Taken On A Plane?

There are two types of CBD oil. One is derived from the hemp plant, while the other is derived from marijuana. The one that is derived from marijuana contains higher THC levels. For such products, Transportation Security Administration has no tolerance. Therefore, people are banned from onboarding such products.

However, hemp-driven products are very friendly and have minimal psychoactive effects. Can you guess why? That’s because it has no more than 0.3 percent THC level. Hence, it was declared legal.

So if you are traveling domestically, then you don’t have to worry about carrying CBD across the border. You will be able to do it easily because TSA officers won’t be stopping you at the airport.

And with regards to TSA officers… Generally speaking, you may find people concerned about TSA officers and whether they will stop you from onboarding certain stuff on the plane. Well, TSA’s main purpose is to be on the lookout for weapons or explosives.

But TSA’s website states that a TSA officer discovers a drug (or a similar illegal substance), then it will be turned into the hands of a law enforcement officer.

Now let’s spare a moment to thank the Federal Government for appreciating the difference between hemp-derived CBD and marijuana-derived CBD. It has allowed all domestic travelers in the US to travel with hemp-derived CBD oil.

But why do travelers choose CBD? Does it only treat travel anxiety? Is it safe to take CBD on a flight?

There is much more to traveling with CBD than TSA. So without further ado, let’s take a deep dive!

Why Do Travelers Want To Carry CBD?

Why get into all this trouble? Well, there are several reasons why CBD appeals to travelers. One of the most apparent reasons may be anxiety. And not the levels of anxiety that could be normally felt. Think about patients who take prescription pills to keep their anxiety under control.

Anxiety is one of the most common feelings that travelers go through. And the challenge is that there is not one but many triggers for anxiety. Some travelers are afraid of flying, or there may be a mid-trip concern or perhaps a fear of being in an unfamiliar place.

In addition to that, a traveler may also use CBD to take care of their sleep. However, if you are a traveler and want to consume CBD, consider having a session with your doctor.

There is no doubt about the fact that CBD helps in curing anxiety and depression. Plus, it also helps you fall asleep. But on the other hand, it makes some people nauseous.

In addition to that, some studies indicate that CBD consumption can interfere with certain medications. Keeping that in perspective, we highly recommend getting your medical assessment checked off the list. That will help you know whether CBD is an appropriate option for you or not.

In addition to that, travelers also choose CBD to relax and reduce pain and aches. Most people can use products like balm and other topical pain relief creams. But not everyone can withstand the pressure incurred through traveling because certain medical conditions make it hard for people to cope – hence, they might feel compelled to use CBD and other products.

Is It Safe To Take CBD On A Flight?

The Federal Government recently passed a bill that differentiates between two forms of the cannabis plant. As for the Marijuana plant, THC levels are too high to be legalized across the states.

Hence, Marijuana-derived CBD is not legal because higher THC levels offer stronger psychoactive effects. But when it comes to hep-derived CBD, things are different.

Since hemp-derived CBD  oil does not contain significant THC levels, around 0.3%, it’s too low to deliver any psychoactive effects. Hence, it is legalized across all the states.

But what if you are traveling outside the US? Consider researching the state laws, especially if you know that they have strict laws regarding cannabis products. Lastly, keep THC out of the scene.

But if you are traveling within the United States and, let’s say that you are carrying hemp-derived CBD, which contains 0.3% THC, what else would you have to take care of? What about TSA rules?

That’s a very good question! TSA rules strictly approach any liquids must be less than three ounces, which obviously contains oils, tinctures, and creams. It simply means that you can easily carry CBD Vape Pen in your carry-on and go through airport security without any second thoughts. However, you can’t carry CBD Vape Pen in your checked luggage.

What Can CBD Travelers Expect At The Airport?

When it comes to TSA’s guidelines, there are a few things to consider. First of all, all commercial CBD products are very strict and disciplined in following the 0.3% THC rule. Therefore it is safe for you to travel with it as far as you are in the United States.

But what about when a TSA officer comes for checking? Well, it is not going to cause much trouble because the officer won’t b able to say anything about the product at first. In addition to that, there won’t be any on-site testing performed either.

And here’s the twist: TSA says they are not actively looking for drugs. But if they are discovered during the search, then TSA officials will give them to the hands of the law. But keep the first term in perspective. It clearly indicates that it is the sole discretion of the TSA officer. They can allow or disallow the product upon inspection.

However, that doesn’t mean that they get to do whatever they want and even hold you accountable for something that you are not guilty of, such as carrying 0.3% THC-containing CBD oil which has been legalized across the states.

In fact, Transport Security Administration has a section dedicated to informing people about what they can bring during their travel. Check out TSA’s What Can I Bring section to know more about the legality of stuff you will carry during your travel.

TSA Rules And Regulations For People Traveling With CBD Oil

TSA states, “Marijuana and certain cannabis-infused products, including some cannabidiol (CBD) oil, remain illegal under federal law except for products that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC on a dry weight basis or that are approved by FDA. (See the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Pub. L. 115-334.) TSA officers are required to report any suspected violations of law to local, state, or federal authorities.”

In it, TSA makes clear that even some CBD oils are also disallowed to travel with. TSA’s only criteria is that your CBD product should have 0.3 percent THC at max on a dry weight basis.

But before you start considering TSA as an agency that has dogs sniff the luggage inside out and put people in handcuffs – let us clarify one thing. The Transportation Security Administration’s primary focus is not to check rugs or anything of that nature. However, they will turn it into the hands of concerned authorities if they discover any illicit material.

Here’s what TSA says about that: TSA’s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats t aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.

The main purpose of TSA is to keep an eye on things like explosives or weapons that are being onboarded and smuggled quietly. So the bottom line is: Don’t expect much action from TSA. Just comply with the rules and regulations, especially those that address cannabis-based products.


Domestic flights are not a problem for people who want to carry hemp-derived CBD oil because of the recent legalization of 0.3 percent of THC. So whether you are traveling to Los Angeles or you want to spend your vacations in California, you don’t need to worry about carrying CBD oil as far as THC levels are up to 0.3% at max.

And with regards to TSA, you only need to remember one thing: the ability to prove that your CBD product is legal. Not because they are going to deploy sniffing dogs to your luggage, and they are not responsible for it either. But TSA states that they will turn in any illegal substance into the hands of a law enforcement officer.

So in order to prove that you are traveling with a CBD product that complies with the regulations laid out by the Federal Government, it is better to have documentation that mentions the THC levels of the product or to have its THC levels mentioned on the product’s packaging.

But if you are traveling internationally, then we will highly recommend that you conduct some research about your destination’s state laws and plan accordingly. If they have strict policies and there seems to be no way to work around them in any manner possible, then consider replacing CBD with something legal, as per their laws.

And before you replace CBD or even consider its consumption, remember to have a word with your doctor and comply with their assessment. If they recommend that you consume CBD, and it will be better for you during travel, then you can consider checking out the laws. Otherwise, ask your doctor to recommend you a better alternative.





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